hYpocrTicAL PpL
WelL... I m GoNnA lEt u aLL knoW aBT HypocRiticAl pPl... TheY aRe tHe kInd Of pPl thaT BacK sTab PPL... SaYinG nicE thiNgs in fRonT of u And bAd thINgs beHind U... i'Ve checK the Dic fORThe DeFinAtiOn Of hYpocrIte WhicH is : pretending to be what you are not, or pretending to believe something that you do not... WeLL i'M suRe tHat wE hAve thEM aLL arOuNd uS aND MosT of US haVE coMe to LIve WIth IT...And TheY knoW wHO thEmsElveS ArE.. THe socIal sTatuS oF theSe pPl moStlY BeloNGS to The "wAnnAbe" ClaSs... WaNtinG tO boOtLicK thE HOtshOts whIlE tRyinG to kNOck thEM oFf thEIr ThROnE... lOl... WeLL.. thEY hAve thE talENt i mUSt sAY... tHeiR chrIsmA Is dEfIneTly BeTteR thAn MOst PPl... They Take TheIR chRisMA aS thEir onlY WepPOn, BUt eVEn wiTh suCh taLEnt thEy dUN undErsTAnd Why thEy cAnnOt gET to BecoME hoTshotS so As resULtinG iN doINg theiR bAcK sTabbING, bOotLicKinG anD eVeRyinG thiNG... loL... WeLL moST of thE hYpocRite'S frieND haS beComE fAmiLar WIth thEir sTylE.. aNd to PreVent bEing Back sTAb thEy wilL kiND of treAt thEM LIke "hoTsHOts" To PreVenT theM fRom "AttAckINg" thEm... lOl... i DUn sAy thAT i rEaLly undErsTAnd thEm bUT... ThiS is tHE impreSsIOn thAT thEy giVE mE... sO... WelL.. To aLL thE hyPocRiteS ouT thErE, Ppl noE yR hYpoCrItIcAL beHivOur bUt thEy juS dUN wAN tO "sHooT" u DowN aS thEY feAr thaT thEY miGhT be "aTtaCk" bY u... bUT soOneR or laTer... PpL whO cAnnoT stANd u WilL fInd aILliEs AnD knOck u OfF yr HypocRites ThroNE... WeLl.. ENjoY!!
BefORe i Go... SolvE tHIs QueStiON!!
Imagine u were with 2 of ur frens.u borrowed $50 from each
of them.There 4 it makes a $100.U bring this $100 to a shop
n get a shirt cost $97,so the cashier gave u back $3. U
decide to return them the money, so u gave ur 1st fren
$1 n another fren another $1 n u hold on to the extra
$1. Now u owe them $49 each. $49+$49 makes $98 rite? N wen
u place the $1 u kept it makes $99. So where another $1
go to?
!!!EnjOY thE qUesTioN!!!
BefORe i Go... SolvE tHIs QueStiON!!
Imagine u were with 2 of ur frens.u borrowed $50 from each
of them.There 4 it makes a $100.U bring this $100 to a shop
n get a shirt cost $97,so the cashier gave u back $3. U
decide to return them the money, so u gave ur 1st fren
$1 n another fren another $1 n u hold on to the extra
$1. Now u owe them $49 each. $49+$49 makes $98 rite? N wen
u place the $1 u kept it makes $99. So where another $1
go to?
!!!EnjOY thE qUesTioN!!!
At first your two suay friends lend you 50 bucks each, therefore
50 X 2= 100
Then you decided to kapo 1 dollar, so its
100-1= 99
You also gei siao return your two suay friend 2 bucks each, which is
97 bucks is the cost of your bloody shirt.
Simplified will be
97 divided by 2 = $48.50
(48.50 + 1) X 2= 99
That remaining one buck is still with you. 97 divided by 2 isn't $48 bucks, its $48.50.
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