11 MaY : WheN yR boReD
Wa.. ThiS feW dAys aT hoME ntH to Do sIA... WaTchEd lOts oF Old moVieS!! lOl... I'm noT sTupiD 2, exorCisM oF eMiLy rOSe, The MytH anD KinG kOnG!! haHA... MaYbe i sHOuld Be sTUdYinG? lOL.. OmG!! I thOUgHT pPl sAid tHAt pOlY's SuppOse TO Be reLAx... BUt I dUN fReAking THinK so... Its lIkE... i Dun dArE to MIsS aNY leCtUre cOs if u MisS 1 reAllY veRy dIff To cAtcH up, TheN tUt cAnnOT miSs... sOMemoRe TheY fcUkinG LecTurE teAch So fAsT... lExtUre 5 ClaSseS hoW u dArE to AsK the LecTurEr qUesTIon aNd lEt EveRyoNe wAit... GrRr... SecONdArY scH lifE is So mucH beTTeR maN... At leAst GoT a TeachEr doWn thErE naG u... PolY nO 1 cArEs... U noE u cAn oNLy DePneD on YouR OwN prEseRveRaNCe!!! loL... TheN Now THe StupiD maTH teAchinG A-mAth!! AnoTHer fcUkinG thNIg i Dun undErsTAnd ONE!! i NeeD soMEonE to teAch mE!!! hahA... AnywaY tHIs is SOmeTHIng i cReaTed WheN i hAve ntH to dO... haHA...
CooL rIGhT!!! I naME iT thE wIrE gUY!!! haHA... I mAdE it MysELf HOR!!! haHA... madE by WireS thaT r sUppOse TO laST me 3yrS in pOLY laB pErioD... lOL... tHINK noW i neEd to Go aND kApO sOMemorE le... Haha... And oH... TheRe r MorE anD morE GayS in thiS COunTry MAN!!! loL.. cHEck tHIs blOG oUT... www.colinandkero.blogspot.com ... lOL... boTh of TheM looKeD liKe tYpicAl aH beNG buT oMG... LOok thaT thoSe picTureS!!! aHHha!!! haHa... aNd reAd aBT thE paRt WheRe thE taXi uncLE wAnteD to maKE oUt wiTh One of TheM!!! HhaHHAa... TaxI uncLes ArE gaYs tOO!!! LOl..
CooL rIGhT!!! I naME iT thE wIrE gUY!!! haHA... I mAdE it MysELf HOR!!! haHA... madE by WireS thaT r sUppOse TO laST me 3yrS in pOLY laB pErioD... lOL... tHINK noW i neEd to Go aND kApO sOMemorE le... Haha... And oH... TheRe r MorE anD morE GayS in thiS COunTry MAN!!! loL.. cHEck tHIs blOG oUT... www.colinandkero.blogspot.com ... lOL... boTh of TheM looKeD liKe tYpicAl aH beNG buT oMG... LOok thaT thoSe picTureS!!! aHHha!!! haHa... aNd reAd aBT thE paRt WheRe thE taXi uncLE wAnteD to maKE oUt wiTh One of TheM!!! HhaHHAa... TaxI uncLes ArE gaYs tOO!!! LOl..
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