12Th MaY : craZy pEoPle
craZy pEoplE... HaHA.. i sAw thIs sHow And iT maDe mE thINKing! crAzy peOplE aRe cLasSifEd unDer dIff kINd.. LOl.. ThosE fuLLy crAzy And seMI-cRaZY! haHA.. thOsE fULlY crAzY ArE tHOsE wHOm fULlY beLIve iN theMsElveS aNd kINd oF thINk thAt theY r nOt crAzy... ThosE seMI crAzy ArE thosE whOM Know ThaT theY arE crAzY! aNd i PitY thosE whO aRe seMi crAzy.. Its LikE... wHen u SeE a CaR cHArGinG towArdS u.. thOsE sEmi cRaZy wIll haVE tO ThinK.. izZit a reAl cAr or IzZit Jus thEir ImaGnaTIon cOS if iTs noT thEir ImaGInaTIon tHey wIll HavE to DodGE aNd if iTs noT thEy dUN wAn PpL tO knOW thaT theY aRe crAzy, But iF The cAr is ReAL anD thE sEmi-crAzy tHinK thaT its jUs thEir iMagInaTion "BaNG", loL... And If its Not reAl and They tHINk its reAl.. And thEy WilL dOdGe aWaY and LoOK likE a cRazY Guy! loL... CooL riGht?? hAHa..I blOggEd thiS thINg juS becOS i HAd nTh to dO At hOME.. lOL... ThiNK tonigHT wIlL aDd moRe thINgs.. Got tO go PlaY laN noW.. BB...
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